This is a page where you can add any text you want via the little "Add a Note" box below.
No sign-ups or logins required. Nothing beyond writing what you want and hitting "Submit."
The really useful thing is that you can replace "notepad" in the URL with any text you want. Then you'll get a whole new page of your own that you can edit right away. You can keep your own notes there and link directly to it. And you can make as many pages as you want. If you want to be confident no one else will edit it, just add some unique text to your page name like "robertsnotes."
I got this idea from other sites who did it first (write.fm, shrib.com) I've found them very useful for copying bits of text (urls, numbers, quotes, etc) from one computer to another. It's really useful if you're on a public computer or someone else's computer or if you have more than one yourself.
But those sites have problems. And I wanted something I could rely on, so I made my own.
Note: Another way to get a private page is to click "Go to random page" above. Then you'll be taken to a page with a random, five-letter name. There are about ten million possible pages, so you can rest easy no one will ever find yours.
Another note: I know the current interface for deleting/editing/moving notes is awkward. It's only the first iteration of those features. I plan to improve the UX for them, and eventually create a dynamic Javascript interface. But I like seeing if I can first implement features without Javascript, both for the challenge and because I enjoy leaving it disabled when possible.
Privacy notice:
Be aware that as the administrator, I'm able to discover and view all notes in the system. And in order to clean up the occasional spam, I do periodically look at what pages have been created. I'll investigate anything suspicious-looking, but as soon as it's clear that I'm looking at something written by a human, I don't read any further.
----- Say hello below! -----
Tebakan awal = 3
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F(x) = x3 + 2x2 + 10x – 20 = 0